♥ Just in Time for Valentine's Day! Models Needed for Dating Website!

Schmidt Talk Radio is looking for average, everyday people (bonus if you're more on the homely-side), to model and/or act for our promotional website advertising, and short infomercials/commercials (though you may or may not be selected to participate in one or all), as part of a 'different type' of dating website, to be a spoof of actual (less-than wholesome) dating sites. Desired candidates will hopefully possess non-desirable traits, or habits (however, behavior should be subtle-enough to be believable (not too over the top). So, go ahead, America... Give us your most grungy side, and your most deplorable behavior! Email submissions will be accepted once you have been initially selected. This exposure might just get you famous, so... pull out your best (uh.... "worst" face), and let the world get to know YOU!! Interested Applicants can go to SchmidtTalk.com , and fill out form for consideration. (Accepting Submissions From All Regions.)