
This is the Hardest Post I've Ever Had to Make... 😔

I've been very quiet lately... especially the past 3 days, trying to figure out what to do... how to best-communicate our situation, and articulate in a manner that's at least somewhat coherent, given my level of panic... Here goes... I didn't choose one of Facebook's birthday fundraisers to have Facebook raise funds clandestenily for a charity that may never get it, when I can stare in the mirror and recognize our own vital needs. So, for my birthday this year, I am asking the unthinkable (at least in my world). Anybody who knows me, knows that I HATE asking for help... to the point of my own detriment. 🙁 I've always combined being a business-owner with various other jobs, as that is the responsible thing to do until someone can wean themselves off their day-job(s). Life happens... I was working my business and my day job(s), and things were doing fairly well... until they weren't. Read on... I decided to go through a third-party company to acquire...

Been a Long Time. Here's Why

It's been such a long time since I've blogged, I almost forgot I had a blog. 'How is that possible?', you might be thinking. Well, if you've had the kind of busy life I do, you'd understand. And the most of these is my toddler. I've been busy with the beautiful baby I first made mention of when I first became aware of her. And I've stepped away from most of my projects to tend to her. And that's the reason you haven't heard from me. And putting my babies first is the right thing to do. But I am making myself blog tonight. I have other things I could be doing while she sleeps. I have paid orders to be fulfilled. But tonight this is for me. I'm taking the time to slow this weary mind of mine... and write... in an attempt to find myself again. I'm desperate to find myself amongst all that I have lost amidst the drastic changes the past few years have held for me.  I hope to find the her from before. And by "her from before" I mean...

Fray of Hope Song is Here! Here is the Vocals-Only Version

This song (soon-to-be-accompanying album) were created from inspiration with the concept of accompaniment through life's storms, and that hope can survive when all seems lost, and that miracles can be borne of passion, even when life's odds seem impossible.

Hello to My Readers! ~ I've Missed You!

I've got another blog coming really soon. I have been doing some BIG things, and I can't wait to share with you all! Also, I'm bringing back some of my more POPULAR (yet, controversial (heck, why else would they be so popular?) ;-) blogs, so you can read them again. I love you, my reader. You keep me going, and when you come here to read my writings, you inspire me to keep going. You mean the world. Thank you Love and kisses Savvy xo


Holy crap... I just realized I basically migrated this past season, completely skipped the oppressive heat of the midwest  summer for the completely lovely northwest weather, and came back to see the leaves change here ... And I loved this transition... a little too much. "Look! Honkers migrating up above!" "Geese?" "No. Savvy!" ;-) I'm a silly, silly girl.. ;-) #Crazy

Get Lucky

There's blind luck, where something positive happens out of the blue. Many times when we see people who happen to appear happy, they seem very "lucky" to us... Or are they? I'm starting an experiment to see how far a positive attitude can take me, and see if this action begets lucky happenstances... to remove the veil, and see if lucky occurances are largely controlled by the effort one might put forth in pursuing them. I'm solely going on observations I've made, and what appears to work. So, with no compass to follow, I'm shooting in the dark, and I'm just going to incorporate the most obvious traits of kindness and human acceptance I can think of. Here goes... Here is an outline of the following steps I've put together for my project. To help me remember these principles, most of them start with the letter L. To reiterate, this is for ease in using them for reference points, (and in case you want to play along). There is no projected end-po...
Like a cactus lily, blooming in unexpected terrain, my inner self leached out like thorny vines, first embracing myself, then shielding me... my brain just said, "f*ck it, you bloom, flower! Motherf*ckin' bloom!"