This is the Hardest Post I've Ever Had to Make... 😔

I've been very quiet lately... especially the past 3 days, trying to figure out what to do... how to best-communicate our situation, and articulate in a manner that's at least somewhat coherent, given my level of panic... Here goes... I didn't choose one of Facebook's birthday fundraisers to have Facebook raise funds clandestenily for a charity that may never get it, when I can stare in the mirror and recognize our own vital needs. So, for my birthday this year, I am asking the unthinkable (at least in my world). Anybody who knows me, knows that I HATE asking for help... to the point of my own detriment. 🙁 I've always combined being a business-owner with various other jobs, as that is the responsible thing to do until someone can wean themselves off their day-job(s). Life happens... I was working my business and my day job(s), and things were doing fairly well... until they weren't. Read on... I decided to go through a third-party company to acquire...