Get Lucky

There's blind luck, where something positive happens out of the blue. Many times when we see people who happen to appear happy, they seem very "lucky" to us... Or are they?
I'm starting an experiment to see how far a positive attitude can take me, and see if this action begets lucky happenstances... to remove the veil, and see if lucky occurances are largely controlled by the effort one might put forth in pursuing them.
I'm solely going on observations I've made, and what appears to work.
So, with no compass to follow, I'm shooting in the dark, and I'm just going to incorporate the most obvious traits of kindness and human acceptance I can think of. Here goes...
Here is an outline of the following steps I've put together for my project.
To help me remember these principles, most of them start with the letter L. To reiterate, this is for ease in using them for reference points, (and in case you want to play along).
There is no projected end-point to my project. I just want to see where living by these principles takes me.
1. Listen (actively, & respond). One of my favorite quotes is, "Never miss an opportunity to shut the hell up." (I would explain but, I'm exercising that philosophy as we speak.) ;-)
2. Let go/Let it be/Let sleeping dogs lie. This will ESPECIALLY help with men, because one of the things they loathe the most is complaining (bitching), ESPECIALLY if it's about THEM. But use it for everyone. Just let 'em be. Don't call them out, don't call their bluff, don't try to correct them, don't give them advice. And hell, if it's not something crucial, don't try to remind them either. Just.Let.People.Be.
3. Laugh - (Or at least smile a lot.) People like a lighthearted person, and atmosphere. It puts the whole landscape at ease. And keep in mind, if you're in a serious situation (unless it's something really extreme or dire), you can control the atmosphere in the room. You can change it. Even if people seem smug, or guarded, very often, it's just that... being guarded. But you know, sometimes you can bring those walls down. Sometimes, all it takes is a smile. Have you ever heard those little stories where a bad day was made good by a smile? Or a little acknowledgement? Indeed, it can go further than that. Sometimes, a smile, or positive acknowledgement can change a life (for the better), and very often, it does.
And bam! You've impacted someone. Doesn't that feel good?
4. Love. Don't forget to make people feel loved. Whether it's reaching out to rub their shoulder, or even treating them to something special, always partake of an opportunity to make them feel loved.
5. Landscape (keep the atmosphere around you positive).
6. Leadership (Lead by example -your kindness may inspire others to be kind), which will change your aforementioned landscape.
7. Lose yourself - in a favorite activity, or project. Before your cake rises in your atmospheric oven, (ie: before you start reaping the benefits of your efforts), it's going to be a bit hard. You're going to do a lot of tongue-biting. This may go on for as long as you decide to incorporate the principles in this outline. Understand, it may never end. People are always going to do things you don't agree with. It's just how the world works. Just let it go. It's not worth a moment of bitching, trying to prove your point, or be "right". You go further trying to be "nice", than you do trying to be "right".
Unbearable? Just remember, the peace you gain will be yours for the enjoying. Even if you're right, they still haven't taken any more from you than you've volunteered to give them. For instance, you still have your "me time" to decompress with your "me things".
When you get some free time, just let yourself go wholeheartedly into yourself, and the things you love. Lose yourself in them. Escape.
If that's not enough, or if you've been confronted with a particularly bad situation or person,
8. Lacrimate. - (That's a fancy way of saying "cry".) Cry if you need to, but make sure you're alone (or it will just shatter all your other effort). Don't worry. There will be time for expression later, when you've won the allegiance of others...when they truly care about you, because you've made yourself into a sweet and valuable human being that enhances their life.
And if it's just a REALLY hard time, you can still escape...
9. Liquor! - Haha. ;-) Well... not that I advocate this as a good solution... but, as long as you're "of age", Not taking care of small children, or in a place or head space where you might hurt yourself or others, I say, why not? Blow off a little steam for yourself.
If none of the above work,
10. Leave.
(Just walk away. Don't say anything. But if all you've done isn't helping, and the situation can't be helped, just leave the situation. (Also falls under the category of "letting go".)
11. Light the room (with your kindness).
12. Labor - A multifaceted category: Do chores before anyone else can get to them. Cook. Feed your family and loved ones whenever possible. (I don't think I'd be too far off the mark in saying: for some individuals, this is enough!) ;-)
And also, the task of keeping yourself neat and presentable falls under the labor category... to include...
13. Loveliness. - Especially applies if you're in a relationship. Don't get sloppy or disheveled. There's really no good reason, unless you're too sick or too busy. Outside of the exceptions, it just falls under the category of laziness. If you let yourself go (without good reason), you're communicating to your partner that they are not important.
But... if you're kind, and doing everything right, you're way ahead of the game, because your inner-loviliness can make you even more beautiful.
So remember, that, as of now, these are only just theories that I'm putting to the test. You know I'm hokey, and sometimes I will try things just for sh*ts & giggles.
(Again = This is only an experiment. I acknowledge that my theories could be all wrong. I could be way off the mark. But I'm just gonna try it and see.)
I will let you know how it goes. If you decide to do it along with me, drop me a note, and let me know. :-)
You never know... With all our effort, we might just "get lucky"! ;-)


  1. I will go along... I will add "live". By this I mean to live in the present moment. I can learn from the past, but I cannot change it. I can hope for the future, but it is always in front and dependent on the present and past. I can only affect the present moment I am in right now. This very moment; this very minute I chose to live fully.


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