An Activist Mom Group Succeeded in Having Schweddy Balls Grabbed, Twisted, & Pulled Off Store Shelves… Well, At Least They Were Decent Enough to Leave Us Wieners, Ho Ho’s and Blow Pops to Enjoy…

Schweddy Balls is (WAS) an ice cream flavor by Ben & Jerry's, in homage to an old Saturday Night Live skit. It seems a group of moms just could not stand by while Schweddy Balls were staring them in the face at their local grocery store.

This group succeeded in forcing the company to grab, twist, & pull this ice cream off the shelves.
It seems this activist group does NOT like Schweddy Balls of ANY kind, (and they probably don't see much of any type of Schweddy Balls outside of the store shelves, either). I digress. They decided they don't want their kids (heck, they don't want ANYONE's kids) exposed to Schweddy Balls.

Alas, a few people got to try and enjoy delicious Schweddy Balls, but for the rest of us, we will be left wondering what delicious Schweddy Balls taste like, and can only imagine the delicious sweet balls as relived vicariously through the stories of the privileged few.

Hey. At least they were nice enough to leave a few favorite food items ‘intact’. After all, I say nothing underscores a good old, American family gathering like enjoying a bunch of Oscar Mayer wieners shoved between 2 buns. (I know I’d love to shove one down right now.) ;-)

The mom group MAY have succeeded in getting Schweddy Balls off the shelves, but thank God they still left us the privileges of Spotted Dick Pudding, Ho Ho’s and Blow Pops!

And, thank God I can still get my corner grocer to give me Big Sexy Hair!

Schweddy Balls was singled (uh… doubled) out.

Just because a group of moms doesn't want Schweddy Balls in their life, doesn't mean they have to deny everyone else to having access to delicious, Schweddy Balls...

I say the balls should not have to be concealed, hidden, nor shunned, but should be available for everyone to savor, and enjoy.
That's why I'm starting a counter-movement, to bring back Schweddy Balls! I will be doing a multi-part interview series on Schmidt Talk Radio, and you can also follow the progress on this blog.
To show your support on facebook, click "Like", and spread the word!
And to the mom group? They can Eat a Spotted Dick!
"Many supermarkets are refusing to stock Schweddy Balls ice cream on moral grounds. I agree. Let's save the suggestive imagery for popsicles." - James Curtis


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