Email from One Million Moms to Ben & Jerry's Rep: "Schweddy Balls Are (Oops "IS") Distasteful..."

Regarding the 'Schweddy Balls' debacle between the "One Million Mom's" group (who's facebook, incidentally, is only comprised of 37,800 members -Not one million) having successfully castrated "Schweddy Balls" (oops... I meant "removed") from store shelves, here is a copy of the actual template available on their website (in case you want to "take action" with them). They've gone ahead and gone through the trouble of providing a template, by which to email "Mr. Greenwood", public relations manager for Ben & Jerry's ice cream. (Coming soon, an audio version of this email, as read aloud by Hilda Dooright.) "Dear Mr. Greenwood: As a mother and a member of, I am greatly offended by Ben & Jerry's decision to use tasteless names for your flavors of ice cream. Your decision is disrespectful to me personally, and to my family. If you continue to use such poor taste and inappropriate marketing choices, I will make a conscious effort to buy from other companies. I am requesting that no additional Schweddy Balls ice cream be distributed. Also, I highly recommend you refrain from producing another batch with this name or any other offensive names, or I will no longer be able to purchase products from Ben & Jerry's. I look forward to hearing from you regarding my concern." Sincerely, Your Name Here

Letter Read Aloud by Hilda Dooright:


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