Holy crap... I just realized I basically migrated this past season, completely skipped the oppressive heat of the midwest summer for the completely lovely northwest weather, and came back to see the leaves change here ... And I loved this transition... a little too much. "Look! Honkers migrating up above!" "Geese?" "No. Savvy!" ;-) I'm a silly, silly girl.. ;-) #Crazy
Found this picture on somebody's wall on facebook and thought I'd share. (As well as add my 2 cents, below.) That is SO much better advice than telling people to "snap out of it". I've noticed healing has always taken time. (And healing DOES occur with time.) This should be obvious when people see a plant which has been cut or pruned --it always takes some time for the plant to grow back (and low & behold, many times it's even stronger than it was before)! ;) FOR MORE BLOGS: visit http:// www.savvyschmidt.com Thanks for reading! :-) Copyright 2008-2012 Schmidt Talk, Inc. All rights reserved
This song (soon-to-be-accompanying album) were created from inspiration with the concept of accompaniment through life's storms, and that hope can survive when all seems lost, and that miracles can be borne of passion, even when life's odds seem impossible. https://soundcloud.com/savvyschmidt/fray-of-hope-vocals-only-with
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