Friday Night Afterburner 09/03 by Schmidt Talk | Blog Talk Radio

Friday Night Afterburner 09/03 by Schmidt Talk | Blog Talk Radio:

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First, before we begin, I need to mention that this episode is for a Mature Audience only.

On this episode:

* Brushing your teeth without a toothbrush

* Making the most of peeing discreetly in public (when there are no bathrooms available)

* Cutting nausea

* To Taco Bell? Or Not to Taco Bell? Dealing with late night drunken-munchies.

* And if ya DO make that mistake, I'll be sharing the best way to get puke out of your hair.

What about the next day? Did you look at the clock and realize suddenly you’ve lost 2 hours?

What to do?

Dry shampoo? Ho bath?

If you can find your ipod, computer, or other listening device, TUNE IN, and get the straight Schmidt!

Schmidt Talk - Your Digital Electrolyte ;-)


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