Holy Old Bean Juice, Batman! O_O

OMG... Only in MY world: So... It's "trash-day". There is a big pot of (old) beans in the garage fridge. (They just sat too long out there, because I got too busy to clean out that fridge.) Ok, so... I'll just dump the old beans into a plastic trash bag, & just take it straight to the outside trash can, and take the trash can out to the curb.

(It's so funny that I thought this was gonna be easy.)

So, I dump the pot into the plastic bag, and set the bag on the garage-floor (temporarily), so I can set the pan (& lid) aside. So... some brown, runny stuff comes oozing near my feet. IT'S BEAN JUICE! Before I know it, it I’m standing in a puddle of it; It GETS ON my really nice boots, as well as the pant-legs of my pants! And A LOT of bean juice ends up covering the garage floor in about a 3X4 puddle (just outside the fridge door, of course). Additionally, I got some of it on my hand once I noticed the puddle. So... no cell on me.. Door shut.. can't call anyone to bring me paper towels or anything.

The short of it is, I had to basically strip out of my pants & boots outside the door, run to the room, hoping none of my 3 roommates would see me, change, and use about a whole roll of paper towels mopping up the bean-juice from the garage floor. Take the whole pile 'o messy crap out to the trash can, THEN, cleanser everything. O_O

... Followed by a big shower, of course..


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