Ribbons & Bowz, That Ties Down Belowz...


Ribbons & bowz, that ties down belowz
to adorn all my netherly thingz.

Such a scandalous thought
to make undressing more hot,
by the seamstresses making such things.

Whether trinkets or bells, or bejeweled little strings
which hang down from my brazziere,

One thing is for sure...
whether front or on rear,
trinkets tickle my body like hell!

But wear them I will,
if it pleases you still
whether I'm young, plump, scrawny or old,

This task aint too small,
But, I'm human, after all!
And what girl wants her nights to be cold?!? ;-)

~ Savvy Schmidt

Thanks to Katie Kansas for use of her picture. You can find more information on Katie and her shop (and where to buy this, and other such lovely items), by visiting her store Here! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

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