You'll Know a Guy Loves You If...

... You STOP shaving your armpits and he sticks around! ??
Well, girls, I think that might actually be true!
Sounds silly, but it's a theory I came up with a few years ago (and which I remembered today after my friend Bri posted on her facebook timeline: "If every girl didn't wear make up and wore comfortable clothes all the time, guys would have to love us for our natural beauty."
That made me remember my theory.
But if you think about it, it makes sense. If a guy really can't live without a girl, he'll be willing to put up with a little under-arm jungle. ;-) LOL Yep girls. That is the litmus test. (Uhh... not that I know from experience or anything.) ;-P I shave mine regularly (and personally would never do that to my man), however, I just came up with this theory, and I've asked some of my guy friends their opinions on this, and they agree. :)
However, if you suddenly stopped taking care of yourself, it might be slightly disrespectful for your poor man. I mean, your man might wonder what he did wrong, or if you still care about his opinions, and if you care about impressing him (not to mention it would make people wonder about your mental state (especially if you stopped brushing your teeth or something like that). LOL (But that's a blog of a different feather.)
What is your opinion?
You'll know a guy loves you if _______ ( fill in the blank ). ;)


  1. ...he lets your cat sleep in the bed. :)

  2. ...he can let you go upon realizing that he can't provide you with the happiness you so deserve.

    1. That's a sweet gesture on his part... but it's sad when goodbye has to be on those terms. :( Maybe they've been through a lot together, and she is there for him, even when things aren't perfect. They have each other, right? Love is about holding each other up sometimes, even when we're not perfect. Thanks for the reply. :)

  3. I have to say when you have had a hard day and he let's you vent while having a nice cold beer for you.

    To the one who commente about letting the girl go realizing he can't provide for the girl, material things aren't what girls need. They need the love, support and friendship. Let me preface by saying that some girls are materialisitic. The ones who aren't want the intangible things like a hug, kiss, and kind words just to name a few. So who that posted that comment, you can provide her the love, companionship, and compassion. It is worth more than anything in the world.


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