
Showing posts from August, 2012

I Scored! (I Think...)

Never thought that after nearly 7 months to the day after I got my smart-phone, that I'd picture myself beating it against a desk, as it lay wedged with a letter-opener  jammed into the side of it. (No, I'm not psychotic... But this is what my experience owning this phone (& all its accoutrements) has slowly driven me to.) Lol. Just the day before, I'd decided to go ahead and pay my phone in person. (Usually, I pay online or over the phone.) But this day, I was entitled to a "free accesory" for paying in person! (Ooh! Wonder what I could get?) (Ok, I'm kidding about the enthusiasm.)  Technically, I was eligible for the free accessory 3 months ago, but the price of gas had been the discouraging factor. The store was much like any other Cricket store: It had a variety of patrons fixated on the 'new' & the 'latest', while a few apathetic workers pasted on their obligatory smiles, and muttered hello, as they assessed me from beneath h...

Media Baby

The single least-complaining, and easy- going trooper I've been blessed to sometimes be able to bring to work with me, is my first-born daughter. And this blog is one about her. (I am currently expecting my 2nd child). Tonight is one of those such nights, where she has accompanied me on the job. It's early evening, and here she is... And we are trying mercilessly to kill time at the radio station - (my second job... a job I had to report to after spending 19 straight hours on the job at the TV station (my first job of the day). As well-behaved as any 13 year old can be expected to be, she is keeping herself busy as I work, as we try to spend the last remnant moments of our dwindling weekend squeezing any possibility of "quality time" into the confines of what has turned out to be an impossibly busy weekend... busier than usual... but, nevertheless, something we expect from time to time. Nothing new. She's been through worse with me... blizzards, floods, you n...


This poem was inspired by my littlest daughter, whom I have not yet met, but who more clearly made her presence known with her dear, first (finally unmistakable) little movements, Saturday, August 11th, 2012. When I first learned of your news, it felt like a dream, Proven true when I saw your beautiful face on a screen. Now, I can feel you, my gift from above, And it adds to my feelings of heavenly love. Babies can do things that grown-ups can't do, and you try things with gusto, even though they are new. You rock & you groove to my steady heartbeat, & you can curl your head up, so it's next to your feet. ... unless you are kicking, or running in place, Which makes me imagine the look on your face. But just like all actions, your vigor will fade, Your energy's going into just being made. So, turn your actions to dreams, where you run & you leap, And let mommy's tummy rock you to sleep. :)


That's my combo word for squeaky & stinky. ... because I'm referring to mice... particularly, the post-mortem variety. I'm at work early this morning. I'm not saying which job. ... just that it's early. I'm not trying to be intentionally cryptic in withholding which job I'm currently at, but, in addition to retaining a modicum of anonymity, I might also add that we're in the process of eradicating a small mouse problem we've been having, and I don't want to cast a dark shadow onto this particular workplace by causing disdain to any yuppy, snobbish types who may take a moment of their superiorly important time to cast judgement when they're not busy floating above everyone, doing everything perfectly, and smugly giving advice as if they've never have a mouse, cockroach, or louse in their lives. (These are the type of people whom I wonder if they have the sh*t professionally vaccu-sucked out of their asses twice a week, and disposed...

Dividing and Expanding....

Hello world. I've decided to break up the Savvy Schmidt Blog into several blogs, each with separate, yet relevant blog entries. This particular blog will now be limited to being 'my personal blog', where I will share my personal experiences, and personal feelings about certain things, subjects, and people, and saving the funny & humorous entries for a separate blog. In addition to these blogs, there will also be a blog for humorous writings , and one for articles & opinions. So.... hopefully, in dividing these blogs, it will bring some order to what is otherwise quite an unorganized & cluttered hodgepodge of writings (but, hopefully, it won't cause such a division that it creates more confusion!) :) LOL (I also might cross-promote one blog to the other.) Anyway, that is it for now. :) For now, stay happy! ~ Savvy

Pregger Belly

Me at 18 weeks pregnant. It's short. It's sweet. But it's just a little vid of me and my expanding waistline. :) Hope you enjoy! :)

Newsflash: Your Facebook News-Feed is NOT the Same Thing as Your Wall

When it comes to Facebook, I'm not the savviest Facebook enthusiast but I'm not the most naive, either, and a few years of doing this ought to tell you I didn't just fall off the cyber turnip truck. I'm not going to go into a whole-big thing about 'how' to use your Facebook, and all the details, and bells & whistles Facebook provides, (heck, I don't even know!) But I DO know a few things, and I have been wanting to say something for some time, and that is: YOUR FACEBOOK NEWS-FEED IS NOT THE SAME THING AS YOUR FACEBOOK WALL!! When you see stuff people write on Facebook, it's not necessarily directed at you. I don't know if this is something Facebook just doesn't find important enough to emphasize, or if it's even worth emphasizing (or if it's even something people would pay attention to, if it WAS emphasized), but if I can save just one person from being deleted by an un-informed, disgruntled post recipient, then I will at least...

It is a hot one... Like 7 inches from the midday sun...

Oklahoma City today.