Newsflash: Your Facebook News-Feed is NOT the Same Thing as Your Wall

When it comes to Facebook, I'm not the savviest Facebook enthusiast but I'm not the most naive, either, and a few years of doing this ought to tell you I didn't just fall off the cyber turnip truck.
I'm not going to go into a whole-big thing about 'how' to use your Facebook, and all the details, and bells & whistles Facebook provides, (heck, I don't even know!)

But I DO know a few things, and I have been wanting to say something for some time, and that is: YOUR FACEBOOK NEWS-FEED IS NOT THE SAME THING AS YOUR FACEBOOK WALL!!

When you see stuff people write on Facebook, it's not necessarily directed at you.

I don't know if this is something Facebook just doesn't find important enough to emphasize, or if it's even worth emphasizing (or if it's even something people would pay attention to, if it WAS emphasized), but if I can save just one person from being deleted by an un-informed, disgruntled post recipient, then I will at least halfway consider that this post was worth writing. :)

There's a trend of people deleting people off their friend list, and usually with the same snotty-retort of: "I CAN'T BELIEVE (let's use "Harry" for example) posted THAT on my Facebook!" (Meaning: That person thought that Harry put that message on their own, personal wall.)

Here's the Newsflash:

It's probably NOT "YOUR" wall they were posting that item to, so before you hit that "unfriend" button, get over yourself for a second, and do some investigating.

Want to know if it's YOUR wall? The tip-off will be: A: You clicked on YOUR name, which will take you to YOUR wall. There, you'll see your picture in the top, left-hand corner, with your cover picture. If you're unlucky enough to have the "Time Line", it will be characteristically looming in the background.

Want to know if it's NOT your wall? Depending on your settings, your start page, and what sort of browser you're on (or smart phone), you'll pretty much see the News-feed (ie: what your friends posted (on THEIR walls, or OTHER people's walls) as the first items that you'll see.

Want to be sure?

If you don't see "THEIR NAME" --> "YOUR NAME" above the post, then they PROBABLY didn't put it on YOUR WALL, so you don't need to get all huffy thinking they put something on "YOUR" page. (You are just simply seeing their post in the news feed, where everyone's posts trickle down.) Sorry to break it to you. But, in this case, it's probably not about you. (Uhh, unless they deliberately imply that it is, but, that's a different case, and my guess is; if somebody wanted to defame somebody, they'd probably make it a little more obvious than something vague on a post which is not directed to anybody specific. That goes into the realm of "venting", which is probably definitely NOT about you, and is a different blog topic, altogether...)

But again, CHECK if you're not sure!! That's right. Go to YOUR page. Remember how?
Click on YOUR NAME.
If you DON'T see that message, then it's a SURE BET they did NOT post the offending comment on YOUR page.

There's a solution to NOT seeing those pesky updates, and STILL salvage your friendship (acquaintanceship, whatever): Unsubscribe from their updates!!

Then, when (and if) you still want to see what's up in their world, click on THEIR NAME, and it will take you to THEIR PAGE!

Not looking to save the world of friends on Facebook... Just looking for a little bit more understanding in this still oft-unknown territory of Facebook.

And, hey, if you've got some Facebook tips for me, or if you think I'm completely wrong & need to be straightened out, I'm all ears. Send those tips & comments my way! I'm always happy to learn more!

Thanks for reading!

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