
That's my combo word for squeaky & stinky.
... because I'm referring to mice... particularly, the post-mortem variety.

I'm at work early this morning.
I'm not saying which job.
... just that it's early.

I'm not trying to be intentionally cryptic in withholding which job I'm currently at,
but, in addition to retaining a modicum of anonymity, I might also add that we're in the process of eradicating a small mouse problem we've been having, and I don't want to cast a dark shadow onto this particular workplace by causing disdain to any yuppy, snobbish types who may take a moment of their superiorly important time to cast judgement when they're not busy floating above everyone, doing everything perfectly, and smugly giving advice as if they've never have a mouse, cockroach, or louse in their lives.
(These are the type of people whom I wonder if they have the sh*t professionally vaccu-sucked out of their asses twice a week, and disposed of by blue-collar types. (You know this sh*t removal couldn't be more often than twice a week.
These types of people are characteristically uptight. (You KNOW there's something up their asses most of the time.)

I digress...

Understandably though, mice happen anywhere and anytime, and having mice chew into your home (or workplace) shouldn't be thought of as a personal shortcoming.

Nope. They don't care how rich or poor you are. They just want some of your yummy food!
(And I must say, my colleagues at this particular job make some REALLY YUMMY food!!) :-)

Whatever the case, however they squished their verminous little bodies into the building ... I think the treatment has been working...

... because there has been the noxious, unmistakeable smell of dead rodent.

As the only person who has been here all weekend, it's grown stronger since yesterday. (And I was already gagging yesterday.)
Well, I'm pregnant. (So everything already makes me nauseous.)

However, we're getting through it.
We're fighting the good fight.
And hopefully we can get these squinky little bodies out of here soon enough, so we can get back to laboring under the delusion that someday we can achieve the high status of the elite (making sure we keep those vaccu-appointments regular, so there's nothing stuck up where-the-sun-don't-shine, of course). ;)


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