
Showing posts from October, 2013
Like a cactus lily, blooming in unexpected terrain, my inner self leached out like thorny vines, first embracing myself, then shielding me... my brain just said, "f*ck it, you bloom, flower! Motherf*ckin' bloom!"

What's in a Face?

What's in a face? It can be everything... and nothing. Your face can be an indicator of things. It tells the world your approximate age, sometimes your gender, and sometimes your lineage. And it can hold secrets. It can show the effects of disease, or perhaps the condition of your heart by the presence of tears (...or signs that tears had recently fallen). It can signal fertility in a woman...and likewise, virility in a man. It can be as revealing as an expression. Or, more cryptic, with pupils widened in distress or great emotion. Whatever realm a person exists in, can be immediately perceived in their face.. ...and... ... it can be faked. Like an actor learning every line, every motion, and every obstacle to master, all these signs can be hidden, while false signs are put in their place. The weilders of these skills are master assett replicators. Positive attributes: enhanced, negative attributes diminished. And what cannot be dealt with easily, can just be covered up..